Photo Album 2000 to 2002
Photo Album 2003
Photo Album 2004
Photo Album 2005

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Wedding 23 September 2000**PRESS RELEASE** Colin Giles marries Sarah Caney on 23 September 2000.  Colin had earlier in the year proposed to Sarah at midnight on 31 December 1999, the beginning of the millennium. The wedding at Addington Palace was attended by 80 guests. The feted tenor Mr Ian Bostridge sang an English folk song and the writer Mr Mark Bostridge delivered a reading recalling his early memories of his step-sister, Sarah. Speeches from Mr Alastair Mitchell and Mr Matthew Howes were well received at the reception held at Chateau Napoleon. Having spent their first night at the Selhurst Park Hotel the newlyweds honeymooned in Bali and cruised the west coast of Malaysia from Singapore to Phuket, Thailand. **STOP**

New York New York - Las VegasMay 2002 Colin and James "the boss" Kelly took a road trip from Las Vegas to Los Angeles to San Francisco to spread the gospel according to R&H.

Sailing in FranceMay 2002 We travelled to Sarah's mum and her husband Bryan's house in France. Sarah was six months pregnant. Plenty of sightseeing and sailing. Fantastic!

Baby Emily17 September 2002, 14:46 Emily Charlotte Giles is born at Mayday Hospital in Croydon.

Christmas 2002 Emily's 1st Christmas. Lot's of presents, great fun at Nanny and Grandad's.
